Monday, February 25, 2008

What Bars Are The Place To Be And Be Seen

So... after living here for a little over a year and going to quite a few of the bars that we have posted on the bar list, I have found a few of my favorites!

Pazo Pazo has to be by far my fave! I love it in the spring/summer and it's still gets a great crowd in the winter. The drinks are great... most of the bartenders have a "heavy" hand. The crowd is mixed, by my judgement, ranges from a mid twenty crowd to early forties. I don't get to make it there for the happy hour crowd but have heard that it is pretty good.

George & Marthas comes in at a close second! I hadn't been to G & M's in a while and went a couple of weeks ago on a Saturday night... the crowd was AWESOME and the DJ really rocked! He played great dance music, threw in a lot good 80's songs and really got the crowd movin'... the bartenders really know how to make a drink and the guys were good lookin' and yes fellas, the ladies weren't bad themselves.

Tashmoo is another great place, especially for a pre-game type of setting. The bartenders are really nice and the crowd "ain't half bad"... there are plenty of tables to sit with friends and hang out or the bar which is spacious. I've never been when there is a DJ, if there is even one, but the music they have playing is decent... good for just chillin'

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